Location: Sheldon
Date: 12th September 2021

Trash the Dress Photography
I adore what I do for a living. I couldn’t do anything else! And the thing I love most about what I do is the unpredictability of it! Every day is different! And Lucy and Matt’s Trash the Dress anniversary shoot was one such day!
The guys had booked me in months in advance and luckily the weather on the day was perfect! We did the shoot at a friends place on acreage about 5 minutes from me in Sheldon. Amazingly both Lucy and Matt both fit easily into their wedding dress and suit that they had worn 10 years ago at their wedding! Impressive! There was a definite spark of excitement when I got there, from both the couple and myself!
We started with a couple of ‘calm before the storm’ photos of the guys looking elegant and clean!

And then the fun began!

I couldn’t stop laughing the whole time! It was so much fun! I actually had a full day of shoots that day and was covered in blue powder within seconds! I didn’t care! It’s not every day you get to take part in something as awesome as this!

I asked the guys what their thinking was behind the Trash the Dress shoot, and they said their wedding dress and suit had been in the wardrobe for ten years and they wanted to celebrate their ten year anniversary with some fun photos, which compliments their personalities perfectly! I think we nailed the brief!

By the end of the shoot whole trays of paint were being launched! I cant even imagine how long it took to soak the dress, or how many showers it took to get rid of all signs of paint, but I reckon with photos like these, it was well worth the effort!

Congratulations on ten years of married perfection! Here’s to the next decade!