Hopefully this page will answer a few questions you might have about our wedding photography packages and our portrait photography options. If not you can always contact us:
1. I’m looking for a wedding photographer, can you help?
Yes! We are a photography company that specialises in family portrait photography, event photography, and newborn and wedding photography! View our wedding photography packages which details all of the inclusions and costs. I firmly believe in being thoroughly transparent when it comes to inclusions and prices so that you don’t get upset by any miscommunication and I don’t get yelled at (which, incidentally, has never happened!)
2. I’ve heard some nightmare stories about wedding photographers taking months or even years to deliver client’s photos, and some even losing them all. Should I be worried?
No! The turn around time for wedding photos is 4 – 6 weeks: 4 weeks in low season, 6 weeks in high season. I did once take 6 and a half weeks to deliver some wedding photos but they had booked me for 14.5 hours so I knew it would take me a bit longer. I am often asked if I can fast track photos, and technically I can but nothing good ever came of a rushed job! And in terms of losing photos, my camera has two card slots so that I can capture to two cards simultaneously, and as such I have never lost one single photo! I also back your photos up several times as soon as I get home from your wedding, just in case a memory card should reformat itself.

3. So what is included in the wedding photography packages?
Every package has slightly different inclusions, but all include all of your high resolution, watermark-free images on a USB. Having the high resolution images you can print off as many of your photos as you like WITHOUT HAVING COMPULSORY EXPENSIVE PRINTING FEES!!! I cannot stress how much this can actually save you in the long term. Do always make sure that you check the inclusions with any photography package that you look at – sometimes it is only the low resolution images that are included and you then have to buy prints, canvasses, albums or photo books from the photographer at highly inflated prices! I don’t do that! I can, of course, arrange all of this for you and I do strongly recommend you use the quality of a professional print lab but there is no obligation to do so! And even then you know exactly how much everything is going to cost by checking out the Optional Extras page!
Incidentally all of the photos on this website are low resolution and have a watermark on them – this is so the internet doesn’t crash every time you try and open a photo on your phone, and so that my photos don’t get nicked! Yeah it happens!! The watermark also shows that it is me that has taken the photo – unbelievable as it sounds, there are occasions when photographers use stock photographs (ie photos that someone else has taken) on their website and passes them off as their own! Every single photo on this site has been taken by me and not one is of a model – all are real people having real weddings and real photo shoots.
4. Sounds good so far! What’s the deposit? And when is the balance due?
That’s the best bit! For weddings, the non-refundable deposit is just $300 and the balance is due 4 weeks prior to your wedding.
For portraits the deposit is $50 to lock in the session and the balance is due the day of the shoot.
Sadly, due to the increasing number of incidencies of payment not being sent, photographs will only be sent once payment has been received.

5. Do we get to meet you first? And do you go to see our venue to scope out the best photo spots?
Yes and yes! All of our wedding photography packages includes a phone/Zoom or face-to-face meeting with the couple to go through your plans and to give you the chance to ask any questions, plus if I haven’t shot there before, I will go and see your venue beforehand to check photo locations. I also strongly encourage input in regards to the type of photography you are looking for and I will download any example shots you send me to my phone on the morning of your wedding. It is, after all, your wedding and I would much prefer to work harder to get the shots you want than to coast through the day and have you disappointed. I rely on word of mouth and referrals so will always do my best for you. Talking of which, we have a testimonials page if you’d like to see some feedback!
6. And do you travel? Any additional fees?
Broadly speaking my wedding photography packages cover anywhere from Noosa down to Byron Bay and inland to Toowoomba without any travel fees. Saying that if you were getting married five minutes beyond Noosa on a Wednesday in low season and wanted to book me for 12 hours, I’d certainly not be charging any travel fees! If in doubt please feel free to ask – I am actually quite nice and won’t be offended! If you were further afield than these locations I will without question travel for your wedding day but there may be small additional fees, and if your wedding is somewhere (such as Stradbroke Island) that would necessitate an overnight stay, then like all vendors, this would have to be covered too! As would flights for international and interstate bookings! But I’m not posh, economy class and motels are fine!

7. Do I have to feed you at my wedding?!
This can be a sticking point and some suppliers do insist on a meal. The truth is this: photographers will work a very long day without any opportunity to eat or drink – venues won’t allow outside food in and more often than not there isn’t the option for us to buy a meal and as such we have to go hungry! A quick snack will boost the energy levels and keep us rocking all night with you guys! I personally do not demand a meal and see it as a privilege but I also cannot stress how grateful I am when one is provided! Most venues will have a heavily discounted supplier meal which will be inhaled in seconds, allowing me to keep snapping away. So in short, no you don’t have to provide a meal but I will forever be in your debt if you do!
8. What gear do you use? Is it any good?
Oooo a tech question! By all means do please Google this equipment so you can see the professional quality gear I use! I use two cameras on the day (as a back up in case one decides to die…it has never happened but you never know!) – a Canon 5D3 and a Canon 6D. I also use a Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L lens, a Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L zoom lens, a Sigma 50mm f/1.4 ART lens, a Sigma 24mm f/1.4 ART lens, a Canon 17 – 40mm f/4L lens, and a Canon 100mm Macro f/2.8L lens primarily. I also bring 6 camera batteries and spare speedlite (flash) batteries, in addition to 2 speedlites. In short: you’re in good hands!

9. Do you edit the photos?
Yep, every package whether for wedding photography or family photography has some editing included. You can see the inclusions at the corresponding links.
10. OK, so what about family photography: what’s included?
You can see all of the family photography package inclusions at the link, and again I am very transparent with what is included:) There are two main types of photo shoot – an on location shoot and a studio shoot. A studio shoot is more controlled lighting and I come to your house or office, an on location shoot can be anywhere! I charge according to the amount of time booked and location: if you are willing to come closer to me it saves me travel time and fuel and as such I pass those savings on. But if you’d like me to come to you, I am very happy to do so! Of course the further away you are, the more expensive it will be! And I am on the Southern bayside if you are happy to head this way! There are some amazing locations near here plus it’s a nice day out! For our portrait packages, the non-refundable deposit is $50 and the balance is due before or on the day of the session.